I just want to make delicious beautiful food...

So this is how it starts.

I love to cook, and I also happened to be addicted to MasterChef.

The best dream I had this past year was on the TV show MasterChef... I made it to the final four of the newest season and Gordon Ramsay tasted my dish, then looked up at me with his piercing blue eyes of judgement and said, "Wow. This is really amazing." and then I woke up.

I realized I had several friends who are equally passionate about cooking despite our careers being completely unrelated to the crafts of the kitchen. Last night while indulging in a beautiful porchetta accompanied by a fennel kale salad, all cooked by this blog's co-author Orianna, we realized we shared the nerdy fantasy of being a competitor on MasterChef. One day we will get the cojones together and apply to be on MasterChef, but until then we blog.

xo xo
